Talk About Front Row Seats
Hey, all you beautiful people! For any of you that have visited my bedroom, you may have noticed a big poster on my wall of a certain musical band named Third Day. I have been a faithful fan since they began and Ryan also is a big fan. Well, they visited Sydney last Friday night and we were unable to get tickets because it was completely sold out! We were a bit disappointed but we have this friend who works at the local christian bookstore (named Nolan) and he got us in by volunteering. We were quite excited - but when we got there, they put us on car park. I got to wear a very flashy bright, neon yellow vest and swing my arms like I've never swung them before. We were finished directing traffic when the opening band was wrapping up. So, when we all went inside we were asked to do security. Can you imagine my little voice doing security??? But we did agree to help out...little did we know that we would be doing security sitting on the stage! We got the best seats in the house! And because the crowd wasn't rowdy at all, we were able to kind of turn half around and see most of the show. We even took some pictures! Here are a few: This is Mac and Mark rocking it up!
Here's the back of Tye Anderson.
We were so close we could actually see the chords they were playing and we even got to see the song list before anyone else!
Can you believe how close this was? Good thing this was early on in the concert - there wasn't too much sweating going on yet, if you get my drift.
I was very excited about my security job - although I don't think I would be nominated "Security Guard of the Year". My section was the only one that pushed the barriers at all and were basically touching the stage. I just didn't have the heart to tell these young kids to move.
Here is my handsome husband. He was like the best looking guy there for sure! He did such a good job!
It was a really fun night! One that we won't easily forget. It was so neat to be in a place of thousands of Christians singing "God of Wonders" and "Show Me Your Glory". And there were people there that were literally 50 plus and then there was this little 8-year old boy right in front of me singing his little heart out. Powerful things happen when we all come together.
We love you all dearly.
Amy T.
Nice! Third Day is one of my ultimate fav bands too! I wanted to see them this summer..but it didn't work out so well..
Lucky ducks! How's the house treating you all? Looking forward to some really sweet pictures!!!
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT!!!!! THATS TENSE>>> Ryan, you could have even been stepped on!! There are no huge bands coming here this year but we have Run Kid Run! I dont even kno who they are... Keep the stories comin!
RunKidRun... they are amazing nen! really good! they're like punkish... really really good
and oh my goodness.. that is so amazing you guys! congrats on the secruity jobs :) now you can add that to your resume :) haha lol maybe Hillsong will let you be their security and you can travel the world with them hahaha! i think that God blesses those who wait and obey him... and that is one of his many blessings for you guys...
luv you and AMY when you guys get decent net... Email me! lol... i know i need to e-mail you...but i think i was the last one to e-mail... so :) lol i know your busy... no :)
Hey Guys..that is sooo sweet!.. Third day is a rockin band..I'm in Cali right now having a blast and enjoying the warmth. Mercy Me, Big Daddy Weave and Mark Swaltch (have no idea how to spell that) will be playing here in Redding soon..I want to stay in see them sooo bad. Anyways i'll talk to you guys soon.
hey guys...yup...everyone has a green monster on their back because of definatly have bragging big excitment of the week is alexis is now getting curious with people's faces and is doing the grabbing thing and sticking her fingers in your mouth and laughing when you pretend to eat them...might not be third day and as jealous as i am i think i'll be happy with my little moments...i can't wait for you guys to come home and meet her...anyways...later gaters!
That's awesome... they're one of my fav's too. Miss yas! Will be sending a little package in the mail this week... not sure how long it'll take to get there...
Amy and security guard just don't belong in the same sentence. Sorry Amy. And yet again you've managed to make me jealous...I am really starting to think you are doing this on purpose. I love Third Day. I really don't know how you guys are going to top the 1st year of your married life, but I am sure you will find a way.
so hey this is trent.. congrats on the third day show lol.. but I just saw skillet live .. met the them and touched his bass and his wife's guitar.. so that was freaking amazing.. hope all is well.. email me sometime at God Bless
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