Saturday, February 24, 2007


Hey. How are you all? Doing well we hope.

We finally got some furniture after a few weeks living here without any. It's nice to not have to sit on the floor in the living room anymore.

This is one half of the living room. We had the coffee table from our apartment, but we bought these two couches from a couple who just moved back to Scotland.

This is the other half of the living room. This little couch also came from the couple moving back to Scotland. It's surprisingly comfortable and folds out into a bed... great for visitors.

We had the table and chairs from our apartment also. We were renting a fridge and washer but that same couple were selling theirs so we bought them also. It'll be cheaper in the long run, and maybe we can sell them when we leave.

This is one half of our bedroom. It's pretty massive which is nice. The other half is just the television and stuff like that.

It almost feels like home now. We need to get a few things put on the walls, but it's coming.

Have an awesome weekend.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Nice Teeth

Hey. My sister had this picture on her blog and I just wanted to make sure as many people as possible seen it. So, here it is. He's a handsome young man, isn't he?


Friday, February 09, 2007

Back To School

How are you all? Amy and I are finally back in school. It seems like we've been on vacation just as long as we've been in class. We just started back on Tuesday this week. It was an awesome week... no class, just amazing speaker after amazing speaker all week long. It was almost too much to take in. We'll be looking over our notes for a while trying to take in everything that was said.

It's been a great summer here so far, but we're glad to be back to school. I'm sure in a week or two we'll be wishing we had another break though... it's going to be a very, very busy term. We're starting now to get ready for the "Colour" Conference and the live album recording. Both are pretty exciting events that are happening in March, and both will take a ton of hard work.

We're looking forward to hearing from you all. Have an awesome weekend.


PS - That picture is from one of the chapel services this week.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Six Months


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Talk About Front Row Seats

Hey, all you beautiful people! For any of you that have visited my bedroom, you may have noticed a big poster on my wall of a certain musical band named Third Day. I have been a faithful fan since they began and Ryan also is a big fan. Well, they visited Sydney last Friday night and we were unable to get tickets because it was completely sold out! We were a bit disappointed but we have this friend who works at the local christian bookstore (named Nolan) and he got us in by volunteering. We were quite excited - but when we got there, they put us on car park. I got to wear a very flashy bright, neon yellow vest and swing my arms like I've never swung them before. We were finished directing traffic when the opening band was wrapping up. So, when we all went inside we were asked to do security. Can you imagine my little voice doing security??? But we did agree to help out...little did we know that we would be doing security sitting on the stage! We got the best seats in the house! And because the crowd wasn't rowdy at all, we were able to kind of turn half around and see most of the show. We even took some pictures! Here are a few:

This is Mac and Mark rocking it up!

Here's the back of Tye Anderson.

We were so close we could actually see the chords they were playing and we even got to see the song list before anyone else!

Can you believe how close this was? Good thing this was early on in the concert - there wasn't too much sweating going on yet, if you get my drift.

I was very excited about my security job - although I don't think I would be nominated "Security Guard of the Year". My section was the only one that pushed the barriers at all and were basically touching the stage. I just didn't have the heart to tell these young kids to move.

Here is my handsome husband. He was like the best looking guy there for sure! He did such a good job!

It was a really fun night! One that we won't easily forget. It was so neat to be in a place of thousands of Christians singing "God of Wonders" and "Show Me Your Glory". And there were people there that were literally 50 plus and then there was this little 8-year old boy right in front of me singing his little heart out. Powerful things happen when we all come together.

We love you all dearly.

Amy T.