Hey. How are you all? Doing well we hope.
We finally got some furniture after a few weeks living here without any. It's nice to not have to sit on the floor in the living room anymore.This is one half of the living room. We had the coffee table from our apartment, but we bought these two couches from a couple who just moved back to Scotland.
This is the other half of the living room. This little couch also came from the couple moving back to Scotland. It's surprisingly comfortable and folds out into a bed... great for visitors.
We had the table and chairs from our apartment also. We were renting a fridge and washer but that same couple were selling theirs so we bought them also. It'll be cheaper in the long run, and maybe we can sell them when we leave.
This is one half of our bedroom. It's pretty massive which is nice. The other half is just the television and stuff like that.
It almost feels like home now. We need to get a few things put on the walls, but it's coming.
Have an awesome weekend.
well with all the i posted first your face everyone guys got a great place...i bet it's a lot warmer in there than it is in house is still freezing...but i love it anyway...miss you guys!
Miss you guys... it was great that you called the other night! Everything that's going on must be very exciting! So, hope to hear from you again soon!!! keep the pix coming!
Hey Guys..It's about time that you blogged again. Haha I check it everyday and I get pretty upset on the days that you don't blog. The place looks great!..You guys are great decorators. Anyways have a great week..i'll be callin sometime soon.
I've been wondering when we were finally going to see these awesome pictures! It's even better than I imagined!
Nice place guys. Oh, Ryan, Jeremy is wondering if the half of the bedroom that isn't shown, if that is your half? He sees some clothes laying over a chair or something and just assumes that it must be. LOL. Well, it is nice to see what your place looks like now that it is lived in. I am sure you have your hands full Amy, taking care of Ryan and all. Only kidding, only kidding. Love yas and miss yas lots.
Yea. Now you can come home from Work or school and slump down for a minute. That's awesome. I was the same as Jon, checking your blog everyday. I want to call soon too.. Enjoy!!
Looks like you are settling in! Very nice house, looks a little Floridian to me! Don't want to brag but our weather today is Sun, Sun, Sun, and 82 degrees! But then, what does the weather matter when you have each other!!!! Take care! Darla
Hey Guys!
I love what you've done with the place! In less than 4 months Blake and I will be apartment/house hunting, and doing all that furninshing jazz, any helpful tips would be much appriciated!
I miss you both sooo much!
I really hope you guys can make it home for our wedding...mark your calanders, its June 16th!
Miss you and Love you both!!
Hi guys! I am a friend of Larry's from Manitoba and I check your blog often to keep tabs on his life too. (He still hasn't posted any pictures of the place you guys are living in!) Anyway, today I was looking at the SuperStore flyer (Do you have SuperStore in New Brunswick? It could be Loblaw's there) and low and behold they are selling TIM TAM's!! There is a "How to eat a Tim Tam" spot in the flyer. It reads "TIM TAM Australia's favourite chocolate biscuit. Join Australians everywhere in the Tim Tam Slam" Then they have a series of photos showing how to do the Tim Tam Slam. They recommend you eat off the ends and dip it in coffee and then eat it. I thought maybe your family would like to know where they can get them!
Hey guys!
the house looks GREAT! wow! love it! defiently think that calling you guys would be a plan... im going to find out what it costs on our phone plan and we'll go from there lol..... it maybe a late night for me hahaha but it would be weel worth it to talk to you guys!
luv you and miss you...
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