Red Carpet
G'day mates! How's everything going? Things are going good here. It seems a bit weird right now though because just about everyone that is going home for Christmas has gone. There's lots of empty apartments.
This past week we had a graduation dinner and the graduation ceremony. It was a really good time. For the dinner they rolled out the red carpet and gave all the students and staff and unbelievable meal. Apparently it was over ninety dollars per person. It was so good, but I'm not sure I'd ever pay ninety bucks for any meal.
Everyone looked really great, especially my wife! Here's a picture...Everyone have an awesome weekend! Make sure you get your Christmas shopping done. I'm off to the mall right now to do mine. Wish me luck.
I absolutly love your dress Amy! Oh, I guess you look good too Ryan. No, really you do!
amy you have pointy shoes on...i've never been more proud...i just wish i had some too...hopefully after christmas i will have pointy toed brown boots...and ryan you have the biggest collar i've ever seen...i like it!...
You guys look awesome! I like I like!
YOU GUYS LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!! AMY I LOVE YOUR DRESSS!!!! Ryan... what is up with the collar? lol.. looks good though! Goodness... red carpet treatment... go to church with Hillsong.. u guys are livin' it up down there...
Miss you bunches... looks like the shoppin is good down under.. lol...
luv you!
Oh my gosh... amy you look so beautiful ... and ryan your lookin good too ... you clean up micee haha!!
Love ya Lots
sorry ... i meant NICE not micee ... haha
You guys look great...guess I'll have to come over to do some shopping! Our walmart just isn't doing it for me! Love yas!
Wal-mart? Are you kidding me!
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