Our Stockings Are Hung
Merry Christmas, everyone.
We put up our Christmas tree! Amy and I, along with Stephen and our Swedish housemates, Simon and Elisabeth, got a beautiful tree on Monday and decorated that same night. Amy and I also bought a miniature tree for our bedroom. It's one of those fiber optic jobbies. It looks pretty ok...You can kind of see our little one here. We bought it at Dick Smith's Electronics for seven dollars.
Here's the big one. It's artificial. We bought it at a store called "The Reject Shop" for twelve dollars. All the decorations were only seven or eight bucks. That's a pretty good deal. It actually looks descent.
We didn't bring our stockings from home, but we found a couple pretty cool ones here. They'll look much better once they're stuffed with chocolate!
Only twelve more days. That's absolutely insane! I hope you're all ready.
Billabong stockings! lol...
Only in Australia!
and Ryan..I hope you get lots of..
Tam Tams? Tim Tims? What we're they again? I also looked in the local candy shop (that imports Candy) and although they didn't have any they told me that I could special order them...so if you ever get back in Canada..let me know if you need a fixing...
the trees are cute but as your little sister i feel obligated to warn you that you aren't suppose to decorate fiber optic trees...it's a fire hazard...although i really can't see the cause for concern so oh well...maybe it wasn't even decorated but it looked like it was...i just don't see how it could be dangerous though unless the decorations were paper or fabric so who cares?...they look great!..love ya!
Hey Amy and Ryan!!! my first comment!!! i miss you guys and the tree looks good!!! my family set our up 2 nights ago, i'll send some pic's!!! Amy - i LOVE the hair!!! you look so beautiful!!! I pray that you have an awesome day!!! Keep smiling!!!
so your trees are sooo cute... you'll have to get air fresheners that smell like the real deal if your use to real trees :0) i love the smell and right now thats what my house smells like! yay! We decorated our tree last night as a family and it felt awkward cause this is my last technical christmas as a kid.. aka as a child in my parents home even though their house will always be my house..but ya know... it must be weird for you guys... but atleast you're not alone and have good friends to share it with.. and next year you'll hopefully be around to share this joyous occasion! :)
luv you lots!
RYAN! i just noticed in the pic that you have a farmers TAN!! :) teehee... Amy are you getting any color? lol...
luv you guys!
Hi Uncle Ryan, I really like your christmas tree, and your toy story "sing." I love you and miss you. From Gabriel Jason Hawkins
He was very excited about your tree and the koalas. :)
Okay..pretty sure I was signed in for those first two posts..sorry it was moi!
you were logged in, krystal. so was gabby. i just upgraded to the new version of blogger and i guess this is one of the side effects...
I Just want to say, RY ya look different... oh and Merry Christmas Guys.. I leave to go home on Sunday.. O'Dell and I and another girl are driving it... WOOT.. Should be fun...
Miss you guys a million.. and now im off to study for another exam... Happy Jesus time!!!!
Are you a fan of the new blogger? Cause I really am not..I'm just NOW understanding how to get logged in..anyway...it's time to go to bed! Exams in the AM! BLAHHH!!
Merry Christmas guys...I like your trees and I am noticing the whole Farmer's tan thing too...what's up with that? But Jeremy would be proud.
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