Four Great Pictures
Hey. I just got some really great pictures emailed from home and thought I would post four of them here so the few of you who haven't seen them already would get to. There were so many good ones, but I just picked these four...
So, may I present to you, in the order of youngest to oldest, my niece and nephews...This is Alexis in her little Halloween costume. I've got this picture as my desktop background right now. She's a cute little thing.
Here's Aidan. I'm not sure what he's thinking here, but he is definitely thinking something. Amy and I heard a kid about his age crying in the grocery store a couple weeks ago that sounded just like Aidan when he cries. I had a bit of a rough moment right about then.
Benjamin is looking so much older now. It's been only two and a half months since we left for Australia and I can't believe the difference. Here he is smiling a huge smile for the camera.
Last, but certainly not least is Gabe. He was smiling in most of the pictures, but I really like this one. It shows off his massive blue eyes. Gabe looks to be growing fast, and in this picture looks like he's been playing really hard.
Amy and I miss all four of them a lot, so girls, you'd better keep the pictures coming.
PS - I've seen the goat!
Actually, Gabe and the rest were playing really hard that day. We had a really hard time to get them to sit for any pix. They did turn out pretty cute though didn't they. Anyone want some pix done call Vicki! And I agree, Alexis is the sweetest baby girl ever. Not that we are biast or anything.
I finally figured out how to send the pictures so I will probably send way too many but hey, you will just have to forgive me.
Talk to you later...
They by far the cutiest bunch of kids ever! Ben likes to chase me around the church... haha.. its quite the time. You can usually hear Ben exclaiming "Gabby, come catch me"... or i think he says Gabby.. its a hard name to say for the youngin's... Gabe is quite the character as well.. hes soo cute! they are at such a great age to play with... they are sooo smart tooo :)
Anyways... luv those darlin's and you guys to...
Wow, I haven't seen those kids in ages! They're very cute! And..if you were to add a picture of Nevaeh I could easily say they're the cutest kids I know! (Cause..yes..I may be biased..but she's pretty darn cute..and growing SOOOO fast!)
Hey guys! It's about time you show off your nephews and your niece! They are too cute not to share! And growing like CRAZY!!!! You definately need to come home for a visit! haha... Christmas K??? :) It just won't be the same without you guys! :( Anyways, enough...don't need the tears to start already! haha
Talk to you soon. Love yas. Your fav sis... and you know who I am! :)
Hi there! The pics are cute. I must say...Alexis looks like her Uncle Ryan but she has her Mamas attitude goin on there. Notice her little fists...ready to take on anyone or anything. She's gonna have to be tough with all those boys around. Talk to yas later. Luv yas lots!! XOXO
of course these kids are the cutest things ever...they are related to me you could they not be cute....they look exactly like me don't you think........actually alexis does look like ryan when her tongue is out..which is most of the time...just like ryan's was when he was a you to you later...
aunt tish
Hi from sunny Florida, those boys are so cute, for looking like Auntie Tish......mmmmm....your wedding pictures are of luck on your extended honeymoon!
Take Care! Darla
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