Blue Mountains
How’s it going everyone? I really hope you’ve all had an awesome week. Amy and I did for the most part – I was a bit sick all day Tuesday, but it wasn’t too bad at all. We’ve had the whole week off and have tried to take advantage of it. A few guys called on Tuesday night and asked if we wanted to go to the Blue Mountains on Wednesday, so that’s what we did and I thought I’d give you all a bit of a look at the scenery we took in. It was absolutely amazing!
This trip was a lot like the one we took last summer with Jamie, John and Jon to Mount Carleton except these mountains are about a billion times bigger and the trail is a lot more challenging and the scenery is a lot more beautiful… so Jamie, John and Jon, come for a visit and we’ll head to the Blue Mountains for a day and you can compare for yourselves.These are the Three Sisters. Apparently there used to be seven of them, but they seem to have disappeared or something. Aboriginal legend has it that these are actually real sisters imprisoned by their father to protect them from a bunyip (what’s a bunyip?).
Here’s Amy and I in front of the Three Sisters. The little balcony we’re standing on is way out over the edge of the cliff. It’s a long way down. We had to be pretty careful because it was so windy (as you can tell by our hair – man I need a hair cut).
Here is the whole crew that went to the mountains. Next to me is Dany from Paris, France. Next to him is Joni from Switzerland, and next to him is Ryo from Japan. They’re really great guys.
This cliff is part of the Three Sisters.
Here’s Amy at the bottom... finally at the bottom. It was such a long way down and we had to walk down a really, really steep stair case carved into the rock. By the time we reached the bottom our legs were like jelly. That really sucked because we still had to climb all the way back up.
Dany knew of a little side road that led us to here. It was absolutely incredible! I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was up here.
That was our last stop of the trip (except McDonald’s on the way home) and we had a really neat experience there. I’m not sure if anyone else really even noticed, but after we discussed the view for a few seconds everyone went silent and it stayed that way for about ten minutes. I’m pretty sure that everyone was thinking the same thing – God is big!
Marty Sampson wrote a new song last week for Encounterfest called Devotion. The chorus says this…
When You stand, the tall trees and mountains bow
When You speak, the fiercest of oceans is still
And I see the sinner seek devotion
The lost become chosen
And I fall to my knees
It was really neat to have heard that song all weekend long, and then to have seen these amazing cliffs and mountains and trees, and to think that my God created them and that at any moment He could simply speak a word and they would bow to Him... Wow.
It's good to see that it was fun. There's just something about a challenging hike. When you're in the middle of it you're asking yourself why am I doing this to myself? But when you finish it feels good!
I recently went on a hike in Fundy Park where the first 1.1 km was straight up. It wasn't up a little hill then a straight was straight UP! The people I went with were great. Some booted it on up the hill (they had the fire started when we got there) a few in the middle, and someone always stayed behind to make sure we all made it (of course..I was last lol)
As for rocks to be a girl. You can get one when you're able. It might look "bad" but you can always just put it up and life is good!
Hey, At least ur both getting some excersize. I wouldn't want you two to get flabby on me. God is so so good... Nature is amazing... While you two were up on that amazing mountain seeing the view as far as the eye can see with rolling hills and billions of trees, I can also see a million miles away... Except There are no hills and no trees and nothing really... BUt I did see my first tumbleweed... that was exciting... Anyway Guys I love you both and i know and realize ur occupied a lot but I am in an almost desert place... I need some sort of communication... I havent left Caronport in about 2 weeks... This is a small place....LOL Have a great time and God Bless...
First off.... RYAN amigo... u need a hair cut :)... haha.... i know ur hair dresser is all the way in Canada.. but i think that Australia has hair cutters too... hmmmm maybe Amy should take up the bowl and some scissors :) kidding
so i have something cool to tell u... On Saturday night i went with Tricia and Gavin to a thing in Woodstock called RAW... and the speaker was AUSTRALIAN!!!!!!! it was sooo cool to hear that accent... and ofcourse we all thought about u guys... do you have an accent yet?
The Blue Mountains are BEAUTIFUL.... wow... God is sooo amazing!!!!!
Amy i saw ur mom on friday. She was with Grammie Dot picking her up from the hospital... she is doing good.. she said she had just talked to u the other night... it was nice to see her.. i havent seen them in a long time!!!!!!
miss you bunches.. and comment me on my blog amigos....
Hi Ryan & Amy yes I am back in Canada. Got back in Halifax Friday. Glad to see you are getting some R&R, scenery looks great will send you some pictures of Jolly Ol' England. Nice place to visit but not sure I would want to live there. Crazy bunch, drive their cars on the wrong side of the road, and don't get in their way they'll run you over. Met some nice people though and wouldn't mind going back to visit again. God is good. don't think you have to worry about them getting flabby! Amy looks AMAZING! and ;)
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