Friday, April 27, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Fall (Or Spring?) Cleaning
Hey all. How are you going?
Only one more week and we'll be done with all of this terms assignments, then we get a break for a couple weeks. I can't wait. We all took the day off from the books yesterday though, and got some yard work and house work done. Between the whole house we only had one pair of gloves, so Amy took one and Stephen had the other. Looking at this picture it seems Stephen could've had them both - Amy is using her bare hand.
In this picture, Larry is kind of looking like one of those angry atheletes that attack the camera man. It looks like he is about to break the broom over my head or something. He didn't though. Probably wanted to, but didn't.
We discovered some more creepy crawlies in our yard as well. There were a bunch of these spider webs hanging in the trees. All of them had a single leaf in the middle and we wondered why until we looked into one of the leaves. You can see part of this spider hanging out of the leaf. There were also several lizards hanging around. They were a bit too quick to get a picture of though.
Well, I guess that was our weekend. Hope yours was equally exciting. Talk to you all later.
Posted by
Ryan Tompkins
2:34 pm
Monday, April 16, 2007
Crazy Times
Hey mates! It's been a day or two since our last post - sorry. We're here now though, to bring you up to speed on what we're up to.
Assignments, that's exactly what we're up to. It's pretty crazy - I never really did assignments in high school, and now I've more than my fair share to do. I guess this is me paying my dues. Amy seems to find all this school work much easier than me. This is her doing her assignments...
And this is me doing assignments...
Actually it's not that bad. We're learning some pretty amazing stuff here, so I guess if we have to work hard to learn what we're learning, it's worth it.
We had a good Easter weekend. Amy baked me this awesome bunny-looking cookie with lemon frosting...
It was pretty tasty... Then, this weekend, one of Amy's friends from work had her 21st birthday party. I guess that's a big thing here. They spend as much money here on a 21st birthday as they do a wedding. That's crazy. It was a costume party with a classic Hollywood theme. This is her with all of her work mates...
Anyway, I need to go do more assignments. Doctrine 1, here I come.
Posted by
Ryan Tompkins
8:48 pm
Friday, April 06, 2007
A New Profession!
It has been 5 months since Ryan's last haircut! Our regular hairdresser, Tuna from Norway, is on high demand right now. She only charges $10 and with a whole host of penny-pinching college students, she has a very large clientelle. So, tonight - during a little break from studying...I attempted to take my handsome, but long-haired husband from this:
...and after a lot of this... this! A stunning babe!
Now, it's not perfect, but I think I did good for the first time. (You were my inspiration, Ali.)
This is Ryan's idea: Cast your vote if you think Ryan still needs to seek the help of a real barber or if his new style is OK the way it is.
We love and miss you all! Have a wonderful Easter weekend!
amy t. xo
Posted by
Amy Tompkins
10:11 pm
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Invisible Children
Hey. If you get a chance, check out
Posted by
Ryan Tompkins
11:59 pm